Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Cadiz
In recent years, a surge of sexual abuse cases is emerging, offering victims a path to the justice they deserve. With increased media and social media coverage, many cases involving powerful individuals have surfaced where victims remained silent due to the authority of the perpetrator, such as clergy members, Boy Scout leaders, or other prominent figures.
Compassionate Legal Support in Cadiz
At Youngstown Criminal Law Group, our experienced Cadiz criminal lawyers have been handling sexual abuse cases with sensitivity and dedication for many years. We recognize the difficult journeys victims endure, and we approach each case with compassion to ensure you or your loved ones receive rightful justice.
Understanding Sexual Assault
Sexual assault encompasses acts like rape, attempted rape, or unwanted touching over clothing. Across all U.S. states, sexual assault is similarly defined as involving pressure, coercion, and lack of consent from the victim. Since 1993, marital rape has also been recognized as a crime in every state, including the District of Columbia.
What Constitutes Forcible Rape
Forcible rape occurs when an attacker uses physical force to compel a victim into a sexual act without consent. The statistics surrounding forcible rape can be alarming:
- Nearly 20% of women report being victims of forcible rape at some point.
- 80% of these incidents occur when victims are under 25 years old, often while they are in college.
- Only 20% of forcible rapes are reported.
- Approximately 2% of victims are male. 30% were assaulted as children.
- In 25% of cases, the perpetrator is arrested, yet often they go unprosecuted.
In many instances, the perpetrator is someone known to the victim, such as a former lover, dating partner, or spouse.
Child Sexual Abuse
Reports of child sexual abuse are also increasing. These cases typically involve manipulating, coercing, or pressuring a child into a sexual act by an adult or adolescent offender. Such cases include:
- Forcible rape
- Psychological pressure for sexual gratification
- Showing pornographic images to the child
- Viewing child pornography
Victims are often coerced by trusted authority figures like parents, older siblings, relatives, priests, Boy Scout leaders, and camp counselors. Consequently, victims often experience long-term issues like depression, PTSD, and anxiety.
Victims’ Rights in Youngstown
Victims of sexual assault in Youngstown have the right to:
- File civil lawsuits for compensation related to wage loss, and physical and mental suffering.
- Pursue criminal charges based on the case’s severity.
- Advocate for permanent policy changes and preventive measures in the workplace, which may include terminating the perpetrator.
- Submit complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or appropriate state agencies.
Connect with Youngstown Sexual Assault Lawyers
If you’re seeking justice in Youngstown, contact us at Youngstown Criminal Law Group. Our dedicated Cadiz OVI lawyers will listen attentively and work tirelessly to secure the justice you deserve. Schedule a consultation by calling (330) 992-3036 today.