Understanding Controlled Substance Possession Charges in Ohio

Key Points on Drug Possession Offenses  

In Ohio, possessing illegal drugs is a critical aspect of drug-related legal issues. The seriousness of possession charges can range significantly, potentially being classified as felonies. Even small amounts of prohibited substances can bring about severe penalties and long-lasting consequences.

Facing drug possession allegations in Harrison County? It’s crucial to hold off on speaking with law enforcement until you consult a legal expert. Contact the Youngstown Criminal Law Group as soon as possible.

Sean Logue is an experienced defender against criminal charges in the Cadiz area. Reach out for a thorough, confidential, and complimentary case evaluation.

Ohio’s Stance on Controlled Substance Possession

Ohio largely prohibits acquiring, holding, or using illegal drugs, as outlined in Ohio Revised Code § 2925.11, except for certain authorized individuals.

Offenses related to controlled substance possession are measured by several factors:

  • The type of drug involved
  • The amount of the drug in question
  • The accused individual’s prior criminal record

The Ohio Revised Code § 2925.11(C) typically determines the nature of sanctions for such violations.

Penalties by Drug Type and Quantity

These include substances like heroin, LSD, and cocaine. Penalties increase based on the quantity possessed.

DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
Schedule I or II Controlled SubstancesMinimal Quantity (Under Bulk Amount)Fifth-degree felonyMinimal possession carries significant legal consequences under Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
Moderate Quantity (Bulk to Less Than 5 Times Bulk)Third-degree felonyPresumption of prison time due to the larger quantity involved.
Substantial Quantity (5 to Less Than 50 Times Bulk)Second-degree felonyMandatory prison sentence, reflecting the seriousness of the offense.
High Quantity (50 to Less Than 100 Times Bulk)First-degree felonyPrison sentence is mandatory with no exceptions.
Extreme Quantity (100 Times Bulk or More)First-degree felonyLeads to the maximum prison sentence permitted by law.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
Schedule III, IV, or V Controlled SubstancesPossession Below Bulk AmountNo predefined penaltiesNo specific penalties detailed under this threshold.
Bulk Amount (But Less Than Five Times Bulk)Fourth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(C).
Five to Fifty Times Above BulkThird-degree felonyPresumption in favor of imprisonment applies.
Exceeding Fifty Times Bulk AmountSecond-degree felonyCompulsory imprisonment sentence required.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
              Marijuana(Marihuana)Under 100 gramsMinor misdemeanorNo jail time expected; typically a fine only.
100 to 200 gramsFourth-degree misdemeanorJail time is generally not imposed.
200 to 999 gramsFifth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
1,000 to 5,000 gramsThird-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(C).
5,000 to 20,000 gramsThird-degree felony (higher presumption)Potential prison time based on quantity.
20,000 to 40,000 gramsSecond-degree felonyMandatory prison sentence ranging from five to eight years.
Over 40,000 gramsSecond-degree felonyImposition of maximum allowable prison sentence.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
            Cocaine Less than 5 gramsFifth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
5 to 9.99 gramsFourth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
10 to 19.99 gramsThird-degree felonyCarries a presumption for prison unless multiple prior drug felonies exist.
20 to 26.99 gramsSecond-degree felonyMandatory incarceration upon conviction.
27 to 99.99 gramsFirst-degree felonyMandatory prison sentence applies.
Over 100 gramsFirst-degree felonyMaximum mandatory prison term imposed.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
      Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)Under 10 doses (solid) or under 1 gram (liquid)Fifth-degree felonyPenalized under Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
10 to 49 doses (solid) or 1 to 4.99 grams (liquid)Fourth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(C).
50 to 249 doses (solid) or 5 to 24.99 grams (liquid)Third-degree felonyPresumption favoring prison sentence.
250 to 999 doses (solid) or 25 to 99.99 grams (liquid)Second-degree felonyMandatory prison sentence applies.
1,000+ doses (solid) or 100 grams (liquid)First-degree felonyMaximum mandatory prison sentence imposed.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
  Heroin  Less than 10 doses (solid) or less than 1 gram (liquid)Fifth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
10 to 49 doses (solid) or 1 to 4.99 grams (liquid)Fourth-degree felonyCited in Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(C).
50 to 99 doses (solid) or 5 to 9.99 grams (liquid)Third-degree felonyPresume prison time upon conviction.
100 to 499 doses (solid) or 10 to 49.99 grams (liquid)Second-degree felonyMandatory imprisonment applies.
500 to 999 doses (solid) or 50 to 99.99 grams (liquid)First-degree felonyMandatory prison sentence follows.
Over 1,000 doses (solid) or over 100 grams (liquid)First-degree felonyLeads to maximum mandatory imprisonment.
DrugDrug AmountOffense LevelGuidance
              HashishLess than 5 grams (solid) or less than 1 gram (liquid)Minor misdemeanorNo offense carries jail time at this level.
5 to 10 grams (solid) or 1 to 2 grams (liquid)Fourth-degree misdemeanorGenerally no incarceration involved.
10 to 50 grams (solid) or 2 to 10 grams (liquid)Fifth-degree felonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
50 to 250 grams (solid) or 10+ grams (liquid)Third-degree felonyPresumed incarceration follows conviction.
Over 1,000 gramsSecond-degree felonyMandatory prison term ranging five to eight years.

DrugPossession AmountFelony ClassificationPenalty Information
          Legal Penalties for Synthetic Drug PossessionUnder 10 GramsFifth-Degree FelonyGoverned by Ohio Revised Code § 2929.13(B).
10 to Less Than 20 GramsFourth-Degree FelonyPresumed to result in a prison term.
20 to Less Than 30 GramsThird-Degree FelonyGeneral expectation includes a presumption for a prison term.
30 to Less Than 40 GramsSecond-Degree FelonyLaw mandates a prison term.
40 to Less Than 50 GramsFirst-Degree FelonyImposes a mandatory prison term.
50 Grams or MoreSerious First-Degree FelonyDictates a mandatory maximum prison term.

Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalties in Cadiz

Understanding the consequences of being convicted for drug-related offenses in Cadiz is vital. The severity of the penalties largely depends on the type of offense you’re accused of. We’ve simplified the potential penalties below to help you grasp what’s at stake.

For expert guidance and representation, consider contacting a Cadiz traffic ticket lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.

Potential Penalties Based on Offense Level:

Minor Misdemeanor:

  • A potential fine of up to $100.

Fourth-Degree Misdemeanor:

  • Possible jail time of up to 30 days.
  • Alternatively, or in addition, a fine up to $250.

First-Degree Misdemeanor:

  • Jail time could reach up to 180 days.
  • A fine of up to $1,000 may be imposed.

Fifth-Degree Felony: 

  • Imprisonment could last up to 12 months.
  • A fine up to $2,500 may accompany this sentence.

Fourth-Degree Felony:

  • Prison time might extend to 18 months.
  • The fine can be up to $5,000.

Third-Degree Felony:

  • A prison sentence of up to 60 months is possible.
  • Additionally, fines could be up to $10,000.

Second-Degree Felony:

  • Prison terms may last up to eight years.
  • Fines could be as high as $15,000.

First-Degree Felony:

  • The most severe penalty includes up to 11 years in prison.
  • A daunting fine of up to $20,000.

Facing such penalties can be intimidating, highlighting the need to understand the legal landscape or seek expert legal advice if you or someone you know is facing these charges.

Navigating the complexities of drug possession charges in Ohio can be overwhelming. It is vital to enlist the services of a Cadiz criminal lawyer to help you through this process.

When confronted with accusations of possessing controlled substances in Cadiz or anywhere within Harrison County, engaging a skilled Cadiz criminal attorney, such as a lawyer is crucial. 

Experience That Matters – Attorney Sean Logue

Cadiz criminal lawyer Sean Logue is committed to defending your rights and striving to minimize potential penalties and impacts on your life.

Schedule Your Complimentary Case Evaluation     

Understanding your legal position and options is the first step:

  • Benefit from a no-cost consultation to evaluate the specifics of your case. 
  • Discuss comprehensive legal strategies tailored for you.

Contact us at (330) 992-3036 or fill out our online form to arrange your free initial consultation. With Youngstown Criminal Law Group, turn your right to assertive defense into a reality.

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