DUI Prevention Guide in Youngstown, Ohio

At Youngstown Criminal Law Group, we believe that every citizen is entitled to their basic civil rights. And with our work, we ensure that all our clients can retain the right, or fight for it. Having said that, we never support drunk driving. But we believe that all charges are not always justified and if you or your loved one is charged with DUI, there might be chances of getting the charges dropped. We, at Youngstown Criminal Law Group, ensure that you get the justice you deserve.

Here, we are providing you with the DUI prevention guide that has been compiled by our expert Youngstown Criminal Lawyer. Take a look. And if you are charged with the DUI case, you can consult our Youngstown OVI Lawyer right away.

About Drunk Driving

Nearly one third of the traffic accidents happen due to drunk driving. According to the data of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every year approximately 10,000 people die because of drunk driving. Simply put, every 53 minutes, one drunk driving crash leads to fatality. Apart from that, DUI cases cause $199 billion costs annually that are entirely preventable.

Around one third of drunk-driving cases, leading to fatality, injury and property damage, happen because of the repeated offenders. 50% to 75% repeated offenders already have their license suspended.

However, according to the report of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the incidents of DUI have reduced since 1980. However, there are still many cases every year. And that is why you need to go through the following guide.

Prevention for Yourself

Driving under influence can make you impaired, that can not only risk the lives of the innocent pedestrians and motorists, but it can also increase risks for you too. Read the following guide to prevent such incidents.

  • While partying with friends, have someone designated for being sober and driving you all safely and drop at home.
  • In case you are on your own and headed to a party or a bar, get a cab. For multiple destinations, you can rent cars.
  • If the drinking was an impulse, then leave your car where it is for picking up later and get a cab, bus or train to reach home or hotel to sleep it off.

How to Know That You are Too Drunk

You don’t need to calculate the BAC to understand that you are drunk. The fairly visible signs of being intoxication are as follows,

  • Flushed skin
  • Sweating
  • Red blood shot eyes
  • Double and blurred vision
  • Loud or slurred speech
  • Not being able to walk straight
  • Bumping into things
  • Not being able to sign your name normally

In case you are not in a state to judge how drunk you are, ask your friend or bartender or waiter, to know. However, even if you don’t show these signs, you might be over the legit limit of alcohol. If you are charged with DUI, then talk to a Youngstown OVI Lawyer right away.

Use BAC Calculator App

For a better assessment of your situation, you can use a BAC calculator that will give you a clear idea about how drunk you are. There are many apps available with the option of creating profile with your height, weight and age, and they will calculate real-time how much alcohol you might have in your system.

For Your Companions

Being sober while driving is the best way to be responsible, not just for yourself, but also for your family, friends and companions. So, for that, follow the guideline.

  • Volunteer to remain sober and drive everyone home safely.
  • Throw a safe party that also has mocktails and other non alcoholic beverages
  • Offer transportation and accommodation for your friends who are too drunk at your party

Prevent Others From Driving Drunk

You might have been in situations where you offered to drive someone home while they are drunk but they preferred to sit behind the wheel. You can handle this case the following ways,

  • Don’t go for confrontation
  • If they don’t want you to drive, you can offer alternative options like getting a cab
  • Keep in mind that the person is impaired and their judgment is clouded. Hence, talk slowly with complete clarity.
  • Explain that you care for them and don’t want them to get hurt.
  • Offer them to sleep over.
  • Ask some other friend to reason with the drunk person
  • If nothing is successful, call law enforcement.

In case your friend is charged with DUI, give them the reference of our Youngstown Criminal Lawyer.

How to Spot a Drunk Driver

In order to keep yourself safe, you also need to be vigilant for other motorists. Look out for the following signs.

  • Wavering and zigzagging
  • Making abrupt illegal turns
  • Tailgating, swerving, fast accelerating
  • Stopping without reason
  • Driving away from the lanes designated for the drivers
  • Missing objects narrowly
  • Giving inconsistent driving signals
  • Slow or no response to traffic signals
  • Driving with headlights off in the dark
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road

What You Should Do When You Spot a Drunk Driver

According to Youngstown Criminal Lawyer, you need to act fast when you see a drunk driver in order to ensure safety for everyone.

  • Maintain significant distance from other vehicles
  • Don’t attempt to give signals to the drunk driver as they are already impaired for the communication
  • Note the license plate, color and model of the car if possible
  • Pull over and call 911 to give necessary details

Our Youngstown OVI Lawyer at Youngstown Criminal Law Group will listen to your case and will offer the right legal guidance in case of DUI. Call us today for a detailed discussion.

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