Penalties for First OVI in Steubenville, Ohio
Having a Steubenville OH OVI lawyer with extensive experience in defending drunk drivers is crucial, especially when most individuals arrested for OVI in this area have no previous criminal records. Let’s dive into some key aspects and consequences of an OVI case in Ohio.
First-time OVI charges in Ohio can come with substantial costs. Offenders often face fines ranging from $375 to $1,075, along with additional court costs. Furthermore, regaining their driver’s license requires paying a fee of $475.
The financial impact goes beyond the immediate expenses. Offenders may also experience a decline in their income due to potential jail time, court appearances, and meetings with a Steubenville OH criminal attorney. As you can imagine, this can result in an intimidating predicament.
But it’s not just the financial repercussions that need consideration. Other consequences come into play, depending on the offender’s blood alcohol content (assuming they submitted to chemical testing).
For those with a blood alcohol content between .08 and .17 percent, the judge may choose to sentence them to three days in jail or a Driver Intervention Program of the same duration. The associated costs for this program, although burdensome, often prove valuable given its court-approved curriculum on drugs and alcohol education.
In cases where the blood alcohol content exceeds .17 percent, the judge’s options include three days of Driver Intervention Program combined with three days in jail, or a straight six-day jail sentence. This is also applicable if the offender has previously refused a breath test and has a prior OVI conviction within the past 20 years.
Upon being arrested for a first-time OVI offense, your license undergoes automatic administrative suspension by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Additionally, the judge may impose a longer suspension known as a Class Five license suspension, lasting between six months to three years. However, after a certain period, you may request “occupational driving privileges” that permit driving solely to and from work or school.
If your blood alcohol content (BAC) exceeds .17 percent, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device in your car. Moreover, yellow license plates, commonly referred to as party plates, might be necessary. The ignition interlock device requires you to blow into it before starting the vehicle. It will not start if any alcohol is detected. The device also conducts random retests to prevent someone else from breathing into it, ensuring that you cannot drive under the influence.
First OVI ALS Suspensions
For first-time OVI offenders in Steubenville, Ohio who refuse to submit to a blood, breath, or urine test, their license will be administratively suspended by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for a full year. If the test is submitted, but the BAC is over .08 percent, the suspension is reduced to 90 days. Additionally, the judge may impose an additional license suspension for a period of six months to three years.
First OVI Driving Privilege Limitations
After an OVI arrest in Steubenville, Ohio, you can request limited driving privileges. Just file a petition with the appropriate court of jurisdiction, which can be a county court, municipal court, or mayor’s court. If you’re under 18, file the petition in juvenile court.
Getting Driving Privileges Reinstated after a First OVI
To regain your license after a first OVI conviction in Steubenville, Ohio, you must fulfill certain requirements outlined in the Ohio Revised Code Section 4510.038. These requirements include paying a fee, serving the suspension period ordered by the judge, and submitting proof of insurance to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles at:
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Attn. Reinstatement (RE) Fee
P. O. Box 16520
Columbus, Ohio 43216-6520
Summary of Penalties for a First-OVI in Steubenville, Ohio
For a detailed understanding of the penalties you may face for a first OVI in Steubenville, Ohio, please schedule a complimentary consultation with our experienced Steubenville OH criminal lawyer. Call (330) 992-3036 or contact us online.